(This page refers to an event that happened from 2020 to 2021 or so).
Join the Open Space
Hang out with like-minded friends and talk about real stuff in an informal forum – no "teachers", no "students" (we are all already gurus) – share experiences, laugh, ask questions ... "nothing to do, nowhere to go".
Earnest seekers and finders on the "direct path" who love the truth pointed to by messengers like Francis Lucille, Laura Lucille, Jean Klein, Rupert Spira, Lao Tzu, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Ramana Maharshi, Lester Levenson, Sydney Banks, etc.
All are welcome. All roads pass through "the Gateless Gate" and up the mountain of the BLT Sandwich of Life (Beauty, Love, Truth). 🙂
Monday & Thursday, TBA California Time (Pacific Time)
Denver, Colorado: TBA (Mountain Time)
Dallas, Texas: TBA (Central Time)
New York: TBA(Eastern Time)
London: TBA
Berlin & Amsterdam: TBA
New Delhi, India: TBA
Time Converter: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
(Was online)
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Our theme song:
"There can be but one Now!"
~ Alfred Aiken
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