On Creativity: Nikola Tesla and Plato’s Cave

These musings are in response to a friend, a spiritual teacher and former physicist & mathematician, who expressed an opinion about the inventor Nikola Tesla. His view was that Tesla was a 3rd rate physicist, and not up there with the greats like Einstein and Boltzmann with regard to being a vessel for expressing the…

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True Meditation: A Quiet Mind Versus A Silent Mind

“To ask the mind to kill itself is like making the thief the policeman. He will go with you and pretend to catch the thief, but nothing will be gained. So you must turn inward and see where the mind rises from, and then it will cease to exist.”   ~ Ramana Maharshi, ‘Who Am…

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Who Becomes Enlightened?

I’ll sometimes hear or read comments like, “he’s an enlightened master”, or there is a story around some sage’s enlightenment, or a teacher or life coach states they become enlightened at some age, or there is an obvious assumption among student hanging around a teacher that they are enlightened. Or, more importantly someone is gunning…

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A Dialogue With Francis Lucille Regarding Teaching and Life Coaching

This post is a record of first, a written question-and-answer dialogue between the Advaita (non-duality) teacher Francis Lucille (Rupert Spira’s teacher) and a student that was posted online a number of years ago (no longer available, so it is posted here as a service). Second, it follows with an email dialogue I had with Francis. I…

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My Personal Misery Trainer – Comedy Skit

Props (optional): clipboard, running pants, a bottle of beer (Ordinary looking guy, maybe a little mussed, a little fussed, like he had a ling night, gets up in front of a group in a room) “Hey. Hi, my name’s Larry [use any name you want]. I’m here to tell you about a new service. You…

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Kissing a Sweet Goodbye to The Three Principles

  From a recording: “If you’re listening to this in your car and you find yourself in a beautiful feeling, roll down your window, pop the tape out of the tape player, and throw it out the window. Stay with the feeling, and it will teach you everything you need to know.” ~ Sydney Banks…

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There Is No Such Thing as Enlightenment

I once heard the spiritual teacher (of Advaita, Non-duality) tell his students (who he would rather refer to as “friends”): “Would you rather be enlightened, or happy? Would you rather be enlightened and unhappy, or unenlightened and happy?”. While I laughed and thought this very insightful, part of me also was taken aback: it sounded…

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The Reality of Universal Consciousness

Jesus said, “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.” – The Gospel of Thomas The hard thing to grasp about Universal Consciousness is that it is not something that can be sensed by…

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Intuitive Intelligence

“Ordinary intelligence is a cerebral function. It appears as the faculty of adaptation and organization. It allows complex problems to be handled by bringing into play a large quantity of givens. Linked to heredity and to acquired conditioning of the brain, it operates sequentially, in time. This kind of intelligence is responsible for performing math…

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