Higher Reasoning II

A first article on higher reasoning can be found here. A friend asked: Concerning Higher vs. Lower hierarchy: Isn’t it all one, all at the same level, no distinctions? Yes and no. The hierarchy “higher” and “lower” is a way of understanding a relationship according to, for example, the classic metaphor of the way gold…

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What is “Higher Reasoning“?

A friend sent a question:   What meaning do you give to “Higher Reasoning”? I believe it started with Atmananda Krishna Menon. Simply put, “Higher Reasoning” is reasoning applied towards the Source, towards Consciousness, rather than the objects thereof. Higher Reasoning is an essential part of the total integration of awakening. Higher reason or transcendental…

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All Else is Bandaids

The Truth, or Reality, or Awareness, whatever concepts you want to use, is intangible—and also the totality of tangibility—thus not abstract or intellectual; it is an experience, and felt as Joy. The totality of the invisible is concrete, as concrete as what is looking out your eyes, which is the seeing itself which cannot be…

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CACTUS JOURNEY – Mountain Hike August 18, 2013

Was a good day: hike in mountains, ate San Pedro. Unbelievable how the swallows came out, as I was sitting at the overlook where Rowan’s ashes were released a couple few years ago. Seems like a miracle I fucking found the spot too. Just came upon it, and I knew. There’d been a fire there.…

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