Applied Philosophy
This article was a response to a question I received from a reader. Question: I’ve watched a lecture of Krishnamurti on addiction. He said that incorporating mindfulness in your life can help to some degree. Watching the urge can make it go away, and when it comes back, you can observe it again so it…
Read MoreHow to be more loving and happy and at peace? Be more present. To what is real. How to be present? Quiet down the thinking, the mind, without introducing the doer. Don’t try and stop thinking. Just observe benevolently (with curiosity if it’s there). The doer can’t squelch (forcefully silence or suppress) the doer –…
Read MoreOne’s physical well-being has a lot to do with one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It’s all tied together. Physical illness does not happen in a vacuum. No thing is separate. In around March 2019, I was cleaning the living room windows one morning, and noticed I could never get them perfect. They…
Read MoreThe picture we are seeing here-knowing it’s just a picture (a map)-is of two sides of existence: one, the appearance, the phenomenal, the apparent material world, the mortal dream, Body, Mind, and World (BMW) which arise simultaneously to play Maya, or spacetime and matter; and two, “outside” of this world as it were, the spiritual,…
Read MoreThe following are some notes regarding how one must “go the final mile” oneself, and no teacher or guru can hand you liberation on a platter. Enjoy. “A Master is a fully-realized Being. A Guru (or Sat Guru) is a Master who has chosen to help others find their Freedom. God, Guru and Self are…
Read MoreThis post is a record of first, a written question-and-answer dialogue between the Advaita (non-duality) teacher Francis Lucille (Rupert Spira’s teacher) and a student that was posted online a number of years ago (no longer available, so it is posted here as a service). Second, it follows with an email dialogue I had with Francis. I…
Read MoreFrom a recording: “If you’re listening to this in your car and you find yourself in a beautiful feeling, roll down your window, pop the tape out of the tape player, and throw it out the window. Stay with the feeling, and it will teach you everything you need to know.” ~ Sydney Banks…
Read MoreI once heard the spiritual teacher (of Advaita, Non-duality) tell his students (who he would rather refer to as “friends”): “Would you rather be enlightened, or happy? Would you rather be enlightened and unhappy, or unenlightened and happy?”. While I laughed and thought this very insightful, part of me also was taken aback: it sounded…
Read MoreJesus said, “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind.” – The Gospel of Thomas The hard thing to grasp about Universal Consciousness is that it is not something that can be sensed by…
Read More“Ordinary intelligence is a cerebral function. It appears as the faculty of adaptation and organization. It allows complex problems to be handled by bringing into play a large quantity of givens. Linked to heredity and to acquired conditioning of the brain, it operates sequentially, in time. This kind of intelligence is responsible for performing math…
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