The way to solve violence has been known for thousands of years. Why is it not heard, known or understood? If understood, why not put into practice? How to restore or continue to enjoy, allow to flourish, a harmony and peace in one’s life, and more broadly, in the world? This, we will look into.…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed how kids can have fun so easily, without any fancy toys or drugs or special circumstances? Playfulness and lightness are natural. A stick, a culvert, and a friend (or not) are all that’s needed. * Some context for what this article is about: regarding psychedelics, the current culture either: 1. Denigrates,…
Read MoreA reader asks: … there is no way for us to presume that freedom from self deception or waking up however we wish to phrase it, has any similarity for different instances of consciousness. The only similarity we can vouch for is its ineffability… The various words used to express the inexpressible often seem to have…
Read MoreI have a question. [italicized = “Student” regular text = “Teacher”] OK. How can I awaken, achieve the non-dual state of consciousness? I have a simple question for you. OK. Are you conscious right now? Well, I’m not alseep. So I guess so… I’m not asking about the body, about you as a body.…
Read MoreJiddu Krishnamurti said something along those lines – in the elegant phrase “the pathless path” – but the complaint (such as by a certain non-duality teacher I hung out with for 7+ years) is that JK didn’t provide a path, or seemed to place himself in an implied enlightened position that’s unattainable by anyone except…
Read MoreThe dream metaphor is very beautiful and powerful. It is no wonder that it has been used so frequently by teachers, especially of the Direct Path: Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Papaji, Wei Wu Wei, Francis Lucille, Rupert Spira, Lester Levenson, Karl Renz, and so on. The only metaphor that is comes near is the…
Read MoreMeditation can be good for the body and mind, temporarily. It’s beautiful thing, like a tranquilizing drug, to help with clarity of mind and relaxation of the body. It can, for example, temporarily allow anxiety – a bodily reaction or “energetic” experience, in a loop with thinking – to dissolve away. This is useful and…
Read MoreA first article on higher reasoning can be found here. A friend asked: Concerning Higher vs. Lower hierarchy: Isn’t it all one, all at the same level, no distinctions? Yes and no. The hierarchy “higher” and “lower” is a way of understanding a relationship according to, for example, the classic metaphor of the way gold…
Read MoreA friend sent a question: What meaning do you give to “Higher Reasoning”? I believe it started with Atmananda Krishna Menon. Simply put, “Higher Reasoning” is reasoning applied towards the Source, towards Consciousness, rather than the objects thereof. Higher Reasoning is an essential part of the total integration of awakening. Higher reason or transcendental…
Read MoreA Phantom Cannot Awaken There is no person to awaken, no separate entity that can awaken. From bodily sleep, a seeming entity can awaken, but this is only a seeming. It is in a relative way. How can I hear that what is hearing? How can I see that what is seeing? How…
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