Have you ever noticed how kids can have fun so easily, without any fancy toys or drugs or special circumstances? Playfulness and lightness are natural. A stick, a culvert, and a friend (or not) are all that’s needed. * Some context for what this article is about: regarding psychedelics, the current culture either: 1. Denigrates,…
Read MoreI’m adopting a garden. A labyrinth. What do you mean adopted? Good question. I volunteered to be the one to take care of this section of the botanical garden. I can pretend to be like a little old Zen monk, toiling away, weeding the Zen garden, day after day, ignored by the world, listening to…
Read MoreA reader asks: … there is no way for us to presume that freedom from self deception or waking up however we wish to phrase it, has any similarity for different instances of consciousness. The only similarity we can vouch for is its ineffability… The various words used to express the inexpressible often seem to have…
Read MoreLet’s “reverse engineer” Consciousness, tracing it back to the Source, the origin of the world. And, to address the modern skeptic and materialist – who the author often tried to communicate with in his line of work and interest – let’s examine what happens in experience, if we start from our outward perceptions and our…
Read MoreMeditation can be good for the body and mind, temporarily. It’s beautiful thing, like a tranquilizing drug, to help with clarity of mind and relaxation of the body. It can, for example, temporarily allow anxiety – a bodily reaction or “energetic” experience, in a loop with thinking – to dissolve away. This is useful and…
Read MoreThere’s a big difference between what they call “setting goals” and pursuing them – such as in the self-help field – and the way that life happens in actual experience, when one really knows what one wants and lives in love and happiness as the orientation. Of course, there is a time and place for…
Read MoreA reader asked “how can one go beyond cause and effect?” in response to my article “On Beyond Cause and Effect“. Here is one possible answer (hopefully a practical one): One cannot, as a person, as a human being, go beyond cause and effect. In other words as a separate entity, one has zero freedom.…
Read MoreHow to be more loving and happy and at peace? Be more present. To what is real. How to be present? Quiet down the thinking, the mind, without introducing the doer. Don’t try and stop thinking. Just observe benevolently (with curiosity if it’s there). The doer can’t squelch (forcefully silence or suppress) the doer –…
Read MoreIt is sometimes thought, or heard from spiritual teachers, that one needs to stop thinking. Why would one want to stop thinking? The question comes up when it begins to dawn on one the importance of thought and thinking in one’s life and in one’s outlook and happiness. One begins to see how much negative…
Read MoreOne’s physical well-being has a lot to do with one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It’s all tied together. Physical illness does not happen in a vacuum. No thing is separate. In around March 2019, I was cleaning the living room windows one morning, and noticed I could never get them perfect. They…
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