
Nonduality and the Three Principles Psychology as Teaching Models

By meestereric / December 27, 2017 /

An acquaintance from an online forum sent a message to me recently, with a good question about Sydney Banks, who had a large awakening experience and, eventually, inspired what became the Three Principles Psychology movement. His question was in regards to its relation to nonduality teachings (I’d sent him some articles about nonduality student’s experiences):…

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Is Meditation Needed?: Meditation and the Three Principles

By meestereric / March 22, 2016 /

  Meditation… Like yoga, is something you hear about more and more, as more and more people do it, talk about it, or feel they should do it. But with increased popularity, is there a decrease in understanding? Like yoga, which has gone from a deep practice of mind-body-spirit integration, to more of an American-style…

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