
How to Get What You Want (Part 1) – On Goals and Goal Setting

By Eric Platt / November 23, 2023 /

There’s a big difference between what they call “setting goals” and pursuing them – such as in the self-help field – and the way that life happens in actual experience, when one really knows what one wants and lives in love and happiness as the orientation. Of course, there is a time and place for…

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"Night Vista"

Real Intelligence

By meestereric / October 13, 2020 /

It is an amazing and profound predicament the Western mind has gotten itself into, using the faculties of natural intelligence and consciousness to entangle itself into a corner about the very thing it professes to want to understand, while denying its existence and nature. It seems the nature of what a human being is, is…

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What Is Your Purpose?

By meestereric / August 10, 2020 /

What is your purpose on the planet? The dictionary definition of purpose is: purpose | ˈpərpəs | noun the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Breaking it Down Purpose can be seen as having three levels: 1. Ultimate Purpose: Highest, Absolute, Universal purpose. The purpose of the universe,…

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On Creativity: Nikola Tesla and Plato’s Cave

By meestereric / April 2, 2019 /

These musings are in response to a friend, a spiritual teacher and former physicist & mathematician, who expressed an opinion about the inventor Nikola Tesla. His view was that Tesla was a 3rd rate physicist, and not up there with the greats like Einstein and Boltzmann with regard to being a vessel for expressing the…

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Western Philosophy of Mind and the Problem of Life

By meestereric / February 7, 2016 /

Turning Western Philosophy of Mind on It’s Head Is life a problem to be solved? The philosophers and scientists who are trying to figure out how the mind works are basing their models on an orientation towards problems solving. They look for example, at animals in the world surviving, and see them solving problems: how…

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