
What Is Your Purpose?

By meestereric / August 10, 2020 /

What is your purpose on the planet? The dictionary definition of purpose is: purpose | ˈpərpəs | noun the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. Breaking it Down Purpose can be seen as having three levels: 1. Ultimate Purpose: Highest, Absolute, Universal purpose. The purpose of the universe,…

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The Body and Self-Healing, Physical Pain, Disease, Suffering: Is Being an Embodied Being a Fall from Grace?

By meestereric / April 12, 2019 /

One’s physical well-being has a lot to do with one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It’s all tied together. Physical illness does not happen in a vacuum. No thing is separate.   In around March 2019, I was cleaning the living room windows one morning, and noticed I could never get them perfect. They…

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