It is fascinating, and potentially educational and revealing, to look at the pattern of criticisms and complaints about spiritual teachers – for example, things people say to me, such as about a teacher we both visited or listened to, or posts on Facebook groups dedicated to criticising or exposing high-profile non-duality teachers. There are clear…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed how kids can have fun so easily, without any fancy toys or drugs or special circumstances? Playfulness and lightness are natural. A stick, a culvert, and a friend (or not) are all that’s needed. * Some context for what this article is about: regarding psychedelics, the current culture either: 1. Denigrates,…
Read MoreMeditation can be good for the body and mind, temporarily. It’s beautiful thing, like a tranquilizing drug, to help with clarity of mind and relaxation of the body. It can, for example, temporarily allow anxiety – a bodily reaction or “energetic” experience, in a loop with thinking – to dissolve away. This is useful and…
Read MoreWho Becomes Enlightened? Who Is The Real Sage? Topic: This article, this little foray, is about coming to grips with one of the the central paradoxes in a field of paradoxes*, of the spiritual game here on Earth, for the spiritual seeker who wants enlightenment, who thinks the messenger is in some way the message,…
Read MoreWarning Label: what follows is dangerous knowledge. Yes, Self Realization must come first in your life, if you want to be permanently happy, at peace, and get off the rollercoaster of up and downs, “karma” and suffering. But what the hell is it? Let me be clear: there’s no such thing as enlightenment or self…
Read MoreThese notes are in response to a question. QUESTION: Namaste. [I am] curious to know how your seeking started? When it ended? Many stages you underwent? How you interact with people who are spiritually ignorant trapped in duality? I will be eager to receive your response. Thanks. – GM Hi GM – I’ll answer…
Read More“Pathological” – Francis Lucille, quoting his teacher Jean Klein, regarding U. G. Krishnamurti “The teaching mainly concerns the dying of the “I”, the “me”; then you are free from the psychological memory. Can this shift happen without crisis, or is crisis an element of it? In principle, there are no crises. But practically speaking there…
Read MoreThe picture we are seeing here-knowing it’s just a picture (a map)-is of two sides of existence: one, the appearance, the phenomenal, the apparent material world, the mortal dream, Body, Mind, and World (BMW) which arise simultaneously to play Maya, or spacetime and matter; and two, “outside” of this world as it were, the spiritual,…
Read More“We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything. That is to understand Zen.” ~ D.T. Suzuki Summary for the impatient For valid teachings: 1. Definitions vary from teaching to teaching. Ex: “Mind” in…
Read MoreThe following are some notes regarding how one must “go the final mile” oneself, and no teacher or guru can hand you liberation on a platter. Enjoy. “A Master is a fully-realized Being. A Guru (or Sat Guru) is a Master who has chosen to help others find their Freedom. God, Guru and Self are…
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