
Who Becomes Enlightened?

By meestereric / March 26, 2019 /

I’ll sometimes hear or read comments like, “he’s an enlightened master”, or there is a story around some sage’s enlightenment, or a teacher or life coach states they become enlightened at some age, or there is an obvious assumption among student hanging around a teacher that they are enlightened. Or, more importantly someone is gunning…

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There Is No Such Thing as Enlightenment

By meestereric / October 3, 2018 /

I once heard the spiritual teacher (of Advaita, Non-duality) tell his students (who he would rather refer to as “friends”): “Would you rather be enlightened, or happy? Would you rather be enlightened and unhappy, or unenlightened and happy?”. While I laughed and thought this very insightful, part of me also was taken aback: it sounded…

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