Free Will
The Person-ality is a Phantom It’s not that a person has a phantom personality or not – it’s the fact that indeed the personality actually is a phantom, period, for any apparent anyone (who does not really eist as a standalone entity in the first place) – it’s like constantly changing vapor or cloud, with…
Read MoreThis is an earlier revision of the post on non-duality and suffering. After a reader talked about being depressed, and reacted to the article, I re-wrote it to seem less harsh. However, I’m re-posting it because I think it’s worthy, or at least interesting enough, to preserve. It’s more direct, for better or worse. …
Read MoreA Dialogue Q: What’s your real value, at the end of the day, after years of seeking and suffering and finding, and all you’ve inquired into and seen and practiced over the decades? Is it worth anything, or just empty at the end of the day? Seems to me all this non-dual talk…
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