The Person-ality is a Phantom It’s not that a person has a phantom personality or not – it’s the fact that indeed the personality actually is a phantom, period, for any apparent anyone (who does not really eist as a standalone entity in the first place) – it’s like constantly changing vapor or cloud, with…
Read MoreQ: I’ve been suffering from anxiety.It’s been pretty bad lately. Been with me for quite some time, like decades. So bad these last few days I just take to bed and curl up in a ball. The medication, even though I can feel it in my body, and the meditation, the years of spiritual stuff…
Read MoreOpen Time … Like an opening out, like the shape of a delta but in 3D, and seeing it from the outside. Open, limitless, freedom, choice, adventure; there is creativity… (separation never existed). A friend in India (javi Upi) sent this, serendipitously: Jiva: Mother, what was there in the beginning? Devi: Only the…
Read MoreThis is an earlier revision of the post on non-duality and suffering. After a reader talked about being depressed, and reacted to the article, I re-wrote it to seem less harsh. However, I’m re-posting it because I think it’s worthy, or at least interesting enough, to preserve. It’s more direct, for better or worse. …
Read MoreI remember once being at lunch with a friend, many years ago, and mentioning regarding freedom, that there is freedom from and freedom to. I’d heard it from a teacher, and although I wasn’t clearly remembering what was meant, I thought it might be important or interesting. She immediately shot back that they are the…
Read MoreThe dream metaphor is very beautiful and powerful. It is no wonder that it has been used so frequently by teachers, especially of the Direct Path: Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda Krishna Menon, Papaji, Wei Wu Wei, Francis Lucille, Rupert Spira, Lester Levenson, Karl Renz, and so on. The only metaphor that is comes near is the…
Read MoreThere’s a big difference between what they call “setting goals” and pursuing them – such as in the self-help field – and the way that life happens in actual experience, when one really knows what one wants and lives in love and happiness as the orientation. Of course, there is a time and place for…
Read MoreA Dialogue Q: What’s your real value, at the end of the day, after years of seeking and suffering and finding, and all you’ve inquired into and seen and practiced over the decades? Is it worth anything, or just empty at the end of the day? Seems to me all this non-dual talk…
Read MoreA reader asked “how can one go beyond cause and effect?” in response to my article “On Beyond Cause and Effect“. Here is one possible answer (hopefully a practical one): One cannot, as a person, as a human being, go beyond cause and effect. In other words as a separate entity, one has zero freedom.…
Read MoreAn acquaintance from an online forum sent a message to me recently, with a good question about Sydney Banks, who had a large awakening experience and, eventually, inspired what became the Three Principles Psychology movement. His question was in regards to its relation to nonduality teachings (I’d sent him some articles about nonduality student’s experiences):…
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