A series about non-dual love. This article is the first in a series about love and relationships. It may challenge your ideas about love, or it may serve as a clarification of what you’ve already seen. It will serve as an introduction to this topic, and (hopefully) open a dialogue. The style or aim is…
Read More“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere” – Agnes Repplier It’s interesting to see how much misunderstanding of the word “spirituality” there is in our culture. And, I believe the same reason that people are not truly happy is the same reason there…
Read MoreTurning Western Philosophy of Mind on It’s Head Is life a problem to be solved? The philosophers and scientists who are trying to figure out how the mind works are basing their models on an orientation towards problems solving. They look for example, at animals in the world surviving, and see them solving problems: how…
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