
Tracing Consciousness Back to the Source

By Eric Platt / March 14, 2024 /

Let’s “reverse engineer” Consciousness, tracing it back to the Source, the origin of the world. And, to address the modern skeptic and materialist – who the author often tried to communicate with in his line of work and interest – let’s examine what happens in experience, if we start from our outward perceptions and our…

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What is “Higher Reasoning“?

By Eric Platt / May 11, 2023 /

A friend sent a question:   What meaning do you give to “Higher Reasoning”? I believe it started with Atmananda Krishna Menon. Simply put, “Higher Reasoning” is reasoning applied towards the Source, towards Consciousness, rather than the objects thereof. Higher Reasoning is an essential part of the total integration of awakening. Higher reason or transcendental…

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