Dove of One
Dove of One

New Site Incarnation… In progress

Hi All – I resurrected the site on AWS (for free first 3 months, the $5 after), after much deliberation, gnashing of teeth and technical difficulty. It involves a great deal of jumping-through techie hoops to do it this way

However, site email is still not working - meaning subscriptions to comments, the Contact form, etc do not work yet –  and even my bright relative in the software field hasn't figured it out yet.

Thus I have not notified anyone yet, or added, nor promoted any new articles ...

Stay tuned - either we get it working, or I move back to Siteground (possible, if business goes OK). :)


It's All About Identity

That is the Master Key. Whether one identifies the issue or not, looks into it or not, what one sees about the self, or selfing, determines everything else in life.

The grand summary of every true teaching ever given has to do with the false sense of self. That is the common ground. Look into the self (or Self), and if you unravel that labyrinth, you are Home Free.


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Eric Platt

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