On Beyond Zen
On Beyond the Dream of Separation: an Exploration Beyond the Known
What is your purpose on the planet? The dictionary definition of purpose is: purpose | ˈpərpəs | noun the reason for which something is done or created or for which…
Who Becomes Enlightened? Who Is The Real Sage? Topic: This article, this little foray, is about coming to grips with one of the the central paradoxes in a field of…
All Teachings are Dodos, and Tightening up what this Site is About I let my personal feelings cloud my discernment, and published a guest essay that I realized was…
A reader asked “how can one go beyond cause and effect?” in response to my article “On Beyond Cause and Effect“. Here is one possible answer (hopefully a practical one):…
Warning Label: what follows is dangerous knowledge. Yes, Self Realization must come first in your life, if you want to be permanently happy, at peace, and get off the rollercoaster…
These notes are in response to a question. QUESTION: Namaste. [I am] curious to know how your seeking started? When it ended? Many stages you underwent? How you interact…
“Pathological” – Francis Lucille, quoting his teacher Jean Klein, regarding U. G. Krishnamurti “The teaching mainly concerns the dying of the “I”, the “me”; then you are free from the…
This article was a response to a question I received from a reader. Question: I’ve watched a lecture of Krishnamurti on addiction. He said that incorporating mindfulness in your life…
How to be more loving and happy and at peace? Be more present. To what is real. How to be present? Quiet down the thinking, the mind, without introducing the…
It is sometimes thought, or heard from spiritual teachers, that one needs to stop thinking. Why would one want to stop thinking? The question comes up when it begins to…
One’s physical well-being has a lot to do with one’s mental, emotional and spiritual well being. It’s all tied together. Physical illness does not happen in a vacuum. No thing…
The picture we are seeing here-knowing it’s just a picture (a map)-is of two sides of existence: one, the appearance, the phenomenal, the apparent material world, the mortal dream, Body,…
“We have two eyes to see two sides of things, but there must be a third eye which will see everything at the same time and yet not see anything.…
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