On Beyond Zen

On Beyond the Dream of Separation: an Exploration Beyond the Known

Why No One Can Give You Enlightenment

By meestereric | April 3, 2019 |

The following are some notes regarding how one must “go the final mile” oneself, and no teacher or guru can hand you liberation on a platter. Enjoy. “A Master is…

On Creativity: Nikola Tesla and Plato’s Cave

By meestereric | April 2, 2019 |

These musings are in response to a friend, a spiritual teacher and former physicist & mathematician, who expressed an opinion about the inventor Nikola Tesla. His view was that Tesla…

True Meditation: A Quiet Mind Versus A Silent Mind

By meestereric | April 2, 2019 |

“To ask the mind to kill itself is like making the thief the policeman. He will go with you and pretend to catch the thief, but nothing will be gained.…

Who Becomes Enlightened?

By meestereric | March 26, 2019 |

I’ll sometimes hear or read comments like, “he’s an enlightened master”, or there is a story around some sage’s enlightenment, or a teacher or life coach states they become enlightened…

A Dialogue With Francis Lucille Regarding Teaching and Life Coaching

By meestereric | January 22, 2019 |

This post is a record of first, a written question-and-answer dialogue between the Advaita (non-duality) teacher Francis Lucille (Rupert Spira’s teacher) and a student that was posted online a number of…

My Personal Misery Trainer – Comedy Skit

By meestereric | November 4, 2018 |

Props (optional): clipboard, running pants, a bottle of beer (Ordinary looking guy, maybe a little mussed, a little fussed, like he had a ling night, gets up in front of…

Kissing a Sweet Goodbye to The Three Principles

By meestereric | October 21, 2018 |

  From a recording: “If you’re listening to this in your car and you find yourself in a beautiful feeling, roll down your window, pop the tape out of the…

There Is No Such Thing as Enlightenment

By meestereric | October 3, 2018 |

I once heard the spiritual teacher (of Advaita, Non-duality) tell his students (who he would rather refer to as “friends”): “Would you rather be enlightened, or happy? Would you rather…

The Reality of Universal Consciousness

By meestereric | September 19, 2018 |

Jesus said, “I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the…

Intuitive Intelligence

By meestereric | August 16, 2018 |

“Ordinary intelligence is a cerebral function. It appears as the faculty of adaptation and organization. It allows complex problems to be handled by bringing into play a large quantity of…

The Four Seals of Buddhism and The Meaning of Ott’s Jack’s Cheese and Bread Snack Lyrics

By meestereric | July 22, 2018 |

I first heard this song about ten years ago, and loved it, and was intrigued by the lyrics. Ott – Jack’s Cheese and Bread Snack   One: All composite phenomena…

Comedy Sketch – Advaitins Anonymous (AA)

By meestereric | June 17, 2018 |

[Note: this sketch was performed by the actor Vishal Patel who read the script and volunteered – at a recent Francis Lucille retreat, in Temecula, California. I did the fake “announcement”…

Cloudspiration Photo © Eric Platt 2017

What is Spirituality?

By meestereric | March 29, 2018 |

  “It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere”  – Agnes Repplier It’s interesting to see how much misunderstanding of…

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