On Beyond Zen

On Beyond the Dream of Separation: an Exploration Beyond the Known

Nonduality and the Three Principles Psychology as Teaching Models

By meestereric | December 27, 2017 |

An acquaintance from an online forum sent a message to me recently, with a good question about Sydney Banks, who had a large awakening experience and, eventually, inspired what became…

Notes On Saving The World

By meestereric | December 24, 2017 |

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” –…

What is Nonduality?

By meestereric | November 13, 2017 |

Nonduality is the cutting edge. It is the cutting edge of spiritual seeking — the end of it; it is the cutting edge of creativity — the source of it……

Spiritual Reflections on Spiritual Teachings (The Three Principles, Non-Duality…)

By meestereric | December 5, 2016 |

This is an update to an article I wrote a couple of years ago. I just re-read it and liked it, so am expanding it beyond mentioning The Principles (3P)…

Sanity, Insanity and Common Sense Revisited

By meestereric | June 23, 2016 |

The title and content of this article refer to the book “Sanity Insanity and Common Sense” that was an early entry  in the spiritual psychology field that has come to…

Is Meditation Needed?: Meditation and the Three Principles

By meestereric | March 22, 2016 |

  Meditation… Like yoga, is something you hear about more and more, as more and more people do it, talk about it, or feel they should do it. But with…

Western Philosophy of Mind and the Problem of Life

By meestereric | February 7, 2016 |

Turning Western Philosophy of Mind on It’s Head Is life a problem to be solved? The philosophers and scientists who are trying to figure out how the mind works are…

The Paradoxes Along the Path

By meestereric | July 11, 2015 |

This essay is about the apparent paradoxes seen when one looks deeply into philosophical questions and encountered long a spiritual path. At some point, a beautiful juncture, after grace bestows…

Proof of Heaven and Dialogues With a “Mad” Solipsist

By meestereric | July 11, 2015 |

solipsism |ˈsälipˌsizəm|  noun the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. This dialogue started on Facebook, where I made a posting about the…

CACTUS JOURNEY – Mountain Hike August 18, 2013

By Eric Platt | August 18, 2013 |

Was a good day: hike in mountains, ate San Pedro. Unbelievable how the swallows came out, as I was sitting at the overlook where Rowan’s ashes were released a couple…

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